Penguins, Pessimists, and Paradoxes#

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# Install empiricaldist if we don't already have it

    import empiricaldist
except ImportError:
    !pip install empiricaldist
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# download

from os.path import basename, exists

def download(url):
    filename = basename(url)
    if not exists(filename):
        from urllib.request import urlretrieve
        local, _ = urlretrieve(url, filename)
        print('Downloaded ' + local)
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from utils import decorate

# Set the random seed so we get the same results every time

In 2021, the journalist I mentioned in the previous chapter wrote a series of misleading articles about the COVID pandemic. I won’t name him, but on April 1, appropriately, The Atlantic magazine identified him as “The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man”.

In November, this journalist posted an online newsletter with the title “Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age”. It includes a graph showing that the overall death rate among young, vaccinated people increased between April and September, 2021, and was actually higher among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated.

As you might expect, this newsletter got a lot of attention. Among skeptics, it seemed like proof that vaccines were not just ineffective, but harmful. And among people who were counting on vaccines to end the pandemic, it seemed like a devastating setback.

Many people fact-checked the article, and at first the results held up to scrutiny: the graph accurately represented data published by the U.K. Office for National Statistics. Specifically, it showed death rates, from any cause, for people in England between 10 and 59 years old, from March to September 2021. And between April and September, these rates were higher among the fully vaccinated, compared to the unvaccinated, by a factor of almost 2. So the journalist’s description of the results was correct.

However, his conclusion that vaccines were causing increased mortality was completely wrong. In fact, the data he reported shows that vaccines were safe and effective in this population, and demonstrably saved many lives.

How, you might ask, can increased mortality be evidence of saved lives? The answer is Simpson’s paradox. If you have not seen it before, Simpson’s paradox can seem impossible, but as I will try to show you, it is not just possible but ordinary – and once you’ve seen enough examples, it is not even surprising.

We’ll start with an easy case and work our way up.

Old Optimists, Young Pessimists#

Would you say that most of the time people try to be helpful, or that they are mostly just looking out for themselves? Almost every year since 1972, the General Social Survey (GSS) has posed that question to a representative sample of adult residents of the United States.

The following figure shows how the responses have changed over time. The circles show the percentage of people in each survey who said that people try to be helpful.


# 1 = helpful
# 2 = look out for themselves
# 3 = depends
# This dataset is prepared in clean_simpson.ipynb


filename = "gss_simpson.hdf"
download(DATA_PATH + filename)
gss = pd.read_hdf(filename, "gss")
(68846, 214)
year = gss["year"] == 1978
series = gss.loc[year, "helpful"]
count    1520.000000
mean        1.474342
std         0.605548
min         1.000000
25%         1.000000
50%         1.000000
75%         2.000000
max         3.000000
Name: helpful, dtype: float64
1.0    888
2.0    543
3.0     89
Name: helpful, dtype: int64
from empiricaldist import Pmf

1.0 0.584211
2.0 0.357237
3.0 0.058553
year = gss["year"] == 1987
series = gss.loc[year, "helpful"]
count    1809.000000
mean        1.606965
std         0.571034
min         1.000000
25%         1.000000
50%         2.000000
75%         2.000000
max         3.000000
Name: helpful, dtype: float64
2.0    940
1.0    790
3.0     79
Name: helpful, dtype: int64
from empiricaldist import Pmf

1.0 0.436705
2.0 0.519624
3.0 0.043671
xtab = pd.crosstab(gss["year"], gss["helpful"], normalize="index")
series = xtab[1] * 100 = "helpful"
series.max(), series.idxmax(), series.min(), series.idxmin()
(58.42105263157895, 1978, 40.243902439024396, 1996)
title = """Would you say that most of the time people try to be helpful, 
or that they are mostly just looking out for themselves?

short_title = "Would people be helpful or look out for themselves?"
from utils import plot_series_lowess

plot_series_lowess(series, plot_series=True, color="C0", label="")

# plt.title(title, loc="left", fontdict=dict(fontsize=12))
    xlabel="Year of survey",
    title="Percent saying 'helpful' vs year of survey",
from utils import make_lowess

1972.0    46.399992
1973.0    46.804000
1975.0    47.621057
1976.0    48.027929
1978.0    48.815860
1980.0    49.546170
1983.0    50.731526
1984.0    51.032275
1986.0    51.262427
1987.0    51.154733
1988.0    51.145142
1989.0    50.812748
1990.0    50.518220
1991.0    50.078283
1993.0    49.243129
1994.0    48.868180
1996.0    48.351256
1998.0    48.030031
2000.0    47.515587
2002.0    47.034961
2004.0    46.911821
2006.0    46.962785
2008.0    47.104853
2010.0    47.228283
2012.0    47.357632
2014.0    47.510421
2016.0    47.688959
2018.0    47.887754
dtype: float64

The percentages vary from year to year, in part because the GSS surveys a different group of people for each survey. Looking at the extremes: in 1978, about 58% said “helpful”; in 1996, it was only 40%.

The solid line in the figure shows a LOWESS curve, which is a statistical way to smooth out short-term variation and show the long-term trend. Putting aside the extreme highs and lows, it looks like the fraction of optimists has decreased since 1990, from about 51% to 48%.

These results don’t just depend on when you ask; they also depend on who you ask. In particular, they depend strongly on when the respondents were born, as shown in the following figure.

from utils import prepare_yvar
from utils import chunk_series

xvarname = "cohort"
yvarname = "helpful"
yvalue = 1

prepare_yvar(gss, yvarname, yvalue)
series = chunk_series(gss, xvarname, size=600) * 100

# plt.title(title, loc="left", fontdict=dict(fontsize=11))
    xlabel="Year of birth",
    title="Percent saying 'helpful' vs year of birth",

Notice that the x-axis here is the respondent’s year of birth, not the year they participated in the survey. The oldest person to participate in the GSS was born in 1883. Because the GSS only surveys adults, the youngest, as of 2021, was born in 2003. Again, the markers show variability in the survey results; the dashed line shows the long-term trend.

Starting with people born in the 1940s, Americans’ faith in humanity has been declining consistently, from about 55% for people born before 1930 to about 30% for people born after 1990. That is a substantial decrease!

1897.305000    52.120319
1905.215000    53.284864
1909.190000    53.858843
1912.293333    54.306193
1914.818333    54.665509
1980.853333    36.307102
1983.280000    35.352350
1986.106667    34.266167
1989.426667    33.030785
1994.888325    31.071020
Length: 68, dtype: float64

To get an idea of what’s happening, let’s zoom in on people born in the 1940s. The following figure shows the fraction of people in this cohort who said people would try to be helpful, plotted over time.

subset = gss.dropna(subset=["cohort10"]).copy()
subset["cohort10"] = subset["cohort10"].astype(int)
from utils import make_table

xvarname = "year"
yvarname = "helpful"
gvarname = "cohort10"
yvalue = 1

prepare_yvar(gss, yvarname, yvalue)
overall = chunk_series(subset, xvarname) * 100
table = make_table(subset, xvarname, yvarname, gvarname, yvalue)
del table[1900]
del table[1910]
series = table[1940]
1972.000000    45.969222
1972.853333    46.838756
1974.640000    48.553441
1975.906667    49.690533
1977.753333    51.209736
1979.553333    52.588674
1982.690000    52.934442
1983.920000    52.947150
1986.003333    52.592398
1987.000000    52.654427
1988.333333    53.031651
1989.936667    53.287806
1992.193333    53.422913
1993.943333    53.406083
1995.486667    53.295321
1997.220000    52.995021
1999.373333    53.017955
2001.793333    53.620756
2005.806667    55.357242
2009.146667    56.867664
2013.180000    58.812900
2016.970370    60.725940
dtype: float64
plot_series_lowess(series, plot_series=True, color="C2", label="Born in the 1940s")

    xlabel="Year of survey",
    title="Percent saying 'helpful' vs year of survey",
    loc="lower right",

Again, different people were surveyed each year, so there is a lot of variability. Nevertheless, there is a clear increasing trend. When this cohort was interviewed in the 1970s, about 46% of them gave a positive response; when they were interviewed in the 2010s, about 61% did.

The following figure shows the responses to this question grouped by decade of birth and plotted over time. For clarity, I’ve dropped the circles showing the annual results and plotted only the smoothed lines.

from utils import visualize_table, label_table

    xlabel="Year of survey",
    title="Percent saying 'helpful' vs year of survey",
nudge = {"1900s": 1, "1910s": 1, "1920s": 2}
label_table(table, nudge)

The solid lines show the trends within each cohort: people generally become more optimistic as they age. The dashed line shows the overall trend: on average, people are becoming less optimistic over time.

In this example, the explanation is generational replacement; as the oldest, more optimistic cohort dies off, it is replaced by the youngest, more pessimistic cohort.

The differences between these generations are substantial. In the most recent data, only 39% of respondents born in the 1990s said people would try to be helpful, compared to 51% of those born in the 1960s and 64% of those born in the 1920s.


And the composition of the population has changed a lot over 50 years. The following figure shows the distribution of birth years for the respondents at the beginning of the survey in 1973, near the middle in 1990, and most recently in 2018.

xtab = pd.crosstab(gss["year"], gss["cohort10"], normalize="index").replace(0, np.nan)

Pmf(xtab.loc[1973]).plot(ls=":", label="1973")
Pmf(xtab.loc[1990]).plot(color="C2", ls="--", label="1990")
Pmf(xtab.loc[2018]).plot(color="C1", label="2018")

decorate(xlabel="Year of birth", ylabel="Fraction of sample")
from seaborn import kdeplot

options = dict(bw_adjust=2, cut=0, alpha=0.6)

kdeplot(gss.query("year==1973")["cohort"], ls=":", label="1973", **options)
kdeplot(gss.query("year==1990")["cohort"], color="C2", ls="--", label="1990", **options)
kdeplot(gss.query("year==2018")["cohort"], color="C1", label="2018", **options)

    xlabel="Year of birth",
    ylabel="Relative likelihood",
    title="Distribution of birth year",

In the earliest years of the survey, most the the respondents were born between 1890 and 1950. In the 1990 survey, most were born between 1901 and 1972. In the 2018 survey, most were born between 1929 and 2000.

series = gss.query("year==1973")["cohort"]
series.min(), series.max()
(1888.0, 1955.0)
series = gss.query("year==1990")["cohort"]
series.min(), series.max()
(1901.0, 1972.0)
series = gss.query("year==2018")["cohort"]
series.min(), series.max()
(1929.0, 2000.0)

With this explanation, I hope Simpson’s paradox no longer seems impossible. But if it is still surprising, let’s look at another example.

Real Wages#

In April 2013 Floyd Norris, chief financial correspondent of The New York Times, wrote an article with the headline “Median Pay in U.S. Is Stagnant, but Low-Paid Workers Lose”. Using data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, he computed the following changes in median real wages between 2000 and 2013, grouped by level of education:

  • High School Dropouts: -7.9%

  • High School Graduates, No College: -4.7%

  • Some College: -7.6%

  • Bachelor’s or Higher: -1.2%

In all groups, real wages were lower in 2013 than in 2000, which is what the article was about. But Norris also reported the overall change in the median real wage: during the same period, it increased by 0.9%. Several readers wrote to say he had made a mistake. If wages in all groups were doing down, how could overall wages go up?

To explain what’s going on, I will replicate the results from Norris’s article using data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This dataset includes real wages and education levels for almost 1.9 million participants between 1996 and 2021. Real wages are adjusted for inflation and reported in constant 1999 dollars.

# this dataset is prepared in clean_cps.ipynb

filename = "ipums_cps.hdf"
download(DATA_PATH + filename)
ipums_cps = pd.read_hdf(filename, "ipums_cps")
year degree real_wage
4 1970 hs 19068.0
7 1970 nohs 0.0
10 1970 hs 0.0
13 1970 nohs 0.0
17 1970 nohs 908.0
d = {
    "nohs": "No diploma",
    "hs": "High school",
    "bach": "Bachelor",
    "assc": "Associate",
    "college": "Some college",
    "adv": "Advanced",
ipums_cps["degree"].replace(d, inplace=True)
start = 1996
recent = ipums_cps[ipums_cps["year"] >= start]
year degree real_wage
3990996 1996 No diploma 67766.0
3991000 1996 Some college 3060.4
3991003 1996 No diploma 0.0
3991004 1996 Advanced 17488.0
3991008 1996 Bachelor 14209.0
count    1.896422e+06
mean     2.043957e+04
std      3.659772e+04
min      0.000000e+00
25%      0.000000e+00
50%      9.022000e+03
75%      2.963200e+04
max      1.303999e+06
Name: real_wage, dtype: float64
count         1896422
unique              6
top       High school
freq           582123
Name: degree, dtype: object
count    1.896422e+06
mean     2.008845e+03
std      7.023367e+00
min      1.996000e+03
25%      2.003000e+03
50%      2.009000e+03
75%      2.015000e+03
max      2.021000e+03
Name: year, dtype: float64
xvarname = "year"
yvarname = "real_wage"
gvarname = "degree"
overall = recent.groupby("year")["real_wage"].mean() = "overall"
from scipy.stats import linregress

res = linregress(overall.index, overall)
table = pd.pivot_table(
    recent, index="year", columns="degree", values="real_wage", aggfunc="mean"
for name, column in table.items():
    res = linregress(column.index, column)
    print(name, res.slope)
Advanced -150.74230565418188
Associate -188.32190788749065
Bachelor -53.36321685585188
High school -89.6395950955906
No diploma -26.70858108935015
Some college -148.96847910461423
columns = [
    "Some college",
    "High school",
    "No diploma",

The following figure shows average real wages for each level of education over time.

# figwidth = 3.835
# plt.figure(figsize=(figwidth, 0.6 * figwidth))

nudge = {"High school": -1.7}

table2 = table / 1000
for column in table2.columns:
    series = table2[column]
    series.plot(label="", alpha=0.6)
    x = series.index[-1] + 0.5
    y = series.values[-1] + nudge.get(column, 0) - 1
    plt.text(x, y, column)

overall2 = overall / 1000
overall2.plot(ls=":", color="gray", label="")

    ylabel="1999 dollars (thousands)",
    title="Average real wage income by education level",
    xlim=[1996, 2022],
plt.xticks([2000, 2010, 2020])
plt.yticks([10, 30, 50])
([<matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f5299f1caf0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f5299f1c490>,
  <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f5297d60310>],
 [Text(0, 10, '10'), Text(0, 30, '30'), Text(0, 50, '50')])

These results are consistent with Norris’s: real wages in every group decreased over this period. The decrease was steepest among people with an associate degree, by about $190 per year over 26 years.

The decrease was smallest among people with no high school diploma, about $30 per year.

However, if we combine the groups, real wages increased during the same period by about $80 per year, as shown by the dotted line in the figure. Again, this seems like a contradiction.

In this example, the explanation is that levels of education changed substantially during this period. The following figure shows the fraction of the population at each educational level, plotted over time.

xtab = pd.crosstab(recent["year"], recent["degree"], normalize="index") * 100
degree Advanced Associate Bachelor High school No diploma Some college
1996 6.407083 6.425194 13.955126 32.711540 22.181306 18.319750
1997 6.413669 6.337339 14.177790 33.135006 21.450660 18.485536
1998 6.561266 6.693503 14.246543 33.138868 21.130622 18.229197
1999 6.731085 6.553290 14.739588 32.882404 20.543048 18.550585
2000 7.237661 6.802157 15.022058 32.606237 19.940802 18.391086
2001 7.242623 7.279962 15.264699 32.047467 19.786234 18.379015
2002 7.554037 7.265446 15.546263 31.826374 19.745568 18.062312
2003 7.619399 7.385120 15.668110 31.453953 19.497431 18.375987
2004 8.010435 7.387682 15.799661 31.305979 19.099773 18.396470
2005 7.982642 7.603384 15.930032 31.509980 18.947074 18.026888
2006 8.034985 7.982532 15.817465 31.691043 18.469364 18.004611
2007 8.141195 7.759157 16.636356 31.313698 18.050995 18.098598
2008 8.681550 7.725637 17.020391 30.919684 17.194194 18.458544
2009 8.832957 8.086253 16.873073 30.600277 17.113475 18.493966
2010 8.734951 8.249743 16.902414 30.866961 16.782624 18.463307
2011 9.223517 8.532432 17.356106 30.139945 16.330585 18.417415
2012 9.224073 8.566742 17.470351 30.036588 15.963916 18.738330
2013 9.542894 8.829571 17.472620 29.659596 15.559504 18.935814
2014 9.884352 8.814772 18.153473 29.687560 15.184972 18.274871
2015 10.178812 8.615827 18.279681 29.828693 14.816013 18.280975
2016 10.609366 9.099067 18.717212 29.282401 14.255343 18.036612
2017 10.867206 9.224281 19.028257 29.072627 13.952498 17.855131
2018 11.060441 9.157266 19.624730 28.841294 13.617304 17.698965
2019 11.569439 9.485989 20.147939 28.543263 13.304715 16.948655
2020 11.918015 9.704302 20.940185 28.368030 12.315390 16.754078
2021 12.275914 9.430825 21.071535 28.516758 12.343355 16.361612
columns2 = [
    "High school",
    "Some college",
    "No diploma",

left = [
    "High school",
    "Some college",
    "No diploma",
nudge = {"No diploma": 0, "Advanced": -0.2, "Associate": -0.2}

for column in xtab.columns:
    series = xtab[column]
    series.plot(label="", alpha=0.6)
    if column in left:
        x = series.index[0] - 0.3
        y = series.values[0] + nudge.get(column, 0) - 0.3
        plt.text(x, y, column, ha="right")
        x = series.index[-1] + 0.3
        y = series.values[-1] + nudge.get(column, 0) - 0.3
        plt.text(x, y, column, ha="left")

    xlim=[1988, 2022],
    title="Percent of labor force at each education level",
plt.xticks([2000, 2010, 2020])
([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f5299ef3370>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f5299ef0280>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f529b856020>],
 [Text(2000, 0, '2000'), Text(2010, 0, '2010'), Text(2020, 0, '2020')])

Compared to 1996, people in 2021 have more education. The groups with associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, or advanced degrees have grown by 3-7 percentage points. Meanwhile, the groups with no diploma, high school, or some college have shrunk by 2-10 percentage points.

So the overall increase in real wages is driven by changes in education levels, not by higher wages at any level. For example, a person with a bachelor’s degree in 2021 makes less money, on average, than a person with a bachelor’s degree in 1996. But a random person in 2021 is more likely to have a bachelor’s degree (or more) than a person in 1996, so they make more money, on average.

xtab.loc[2021] - xtab.loc[1996]
Advanced        5.868831
Associate       3.005632
Bachelor        7.116409
High school    -4.194782
No diploma     -9.837951
Some college   -1.958139
dtype: float64

Simpson’s paradox does not require the variable on the \(x\) axis to be time. More generally, it can happen with any variables on the \(x\) and \(y\) axes and any set of groups. To demonstrate, let’s look at an example that doesn’t depend on time.


In 2014 a team of biologists published measurements they collected from three species of penguins living near Palmer Station in Antarctica. For 344 penguins, the dataset includes body mass, flipper length, and the length and depth of their beaks: more specifically, the part of the beak called the culmen.

This dataset has become popular with machine learning experts because it is a fun way to demonstrate all kinds of statistical methods, especially classification algorithms.

Allison Horst, an environmental scientist who helped make this dataset freely available, used it to demonstrate Simpson’s paradox. The following figure shows the example she discovered:

filename = "penguins_raw.csv"
download(DATA_PATH + filename)
df = pd.read_csv(filename)
(344, 17)
def shorten(species):
    """Select the first word from a string."""
    return species.split()[0]

df["Species2"] = df["Species"].apply(shorten)
var1 = "Flipper Length (mm)"
var2 = "Culmen Length (mm)"
var3 = "Culmen Depth (mm)"
var4 = "Body Mass (g)"
from utils import Or70, Pu50, Gr30

colors = [Or70, Pu50, Gr30]
markers = ["s", "o", "^"]
def scatterplot(df, var1, var2):
    """Make a scatter plot."""
    grouped = df.groupby("Species2")
    i = 0
    for species, group in grouped:
        style = "s"
        i += 1

    decorate(xlabel=var1, ylabel=var2)
    plt.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(0.98, 1.0))
def plot_line(group, result, **options):
    """Plot a linear regression line.

    group: DataFrame
    result: linear regression result
    xs = group[var2].min(), group[var2].max()
    ys = np.array(xs) * result.slope + result.intercept
    plt.plot(xs, ys, alpha=0.5, **options)
from scipy.stats import linregress

scatterplot(df, var2, var3)

data = df.dropna(subset=[var2, var3])
grouped = data.groupby("Species2")
i = 0
for species, group in grouped:
    result = linregress(group[var2], group[var3])
    plot_line(group, result, color=colors[i])
    i += 1

result = linregress(data[var2], data[var3])
plot_line(data, result, ls=":", color="gray")

Each marker represents the culmen length and depth of an individual penguin. The different marker shapes represent different species: Adélie, Chinstrap, and Gentoo. The solid lines are the lines of best fit within each species; in all three, there is a positive correlation between length and depth. The dotted line shows the line of best fit among all of the penguins; between species, there is a negative correlation between length and depth.

In this example, the correlation within species has some meaning: most likely, length and depth are correlated because both are correlated with body size. Bigger penguins have bigger beaks.

However, when we combine samples from different species and find that the correlation of these variables is negative, that’s a statistical artifact. It depends on the species we choose and how many penguins of each species we measure. So it doesn’t really mean anything.

for species, group in grouped:
    result = linregress(group[var2], group[var3])
    print(species, result.slope)

result = linregress(data[var2], data[var3])
print("overall", result.slope)
Adelie 0.178834349642578
Chinstrap 0.2222117240036715
Gentoo 0.20484434062147577
overall -0.08502128077717656

These results are puzzling only if you think the trend within groups is necessarily the same as the the trend between groups. Once you realize that’s not true, the paradox is resolved.

Simpson’s Prescription#

Some of the most bewildering examples of Simpson’s paradox come up in medicine, where a treatment might prove to be effective for men, effective for women, and ineffective or harmful for people. To understand examples like that, let’s start with an analogous example from the General Social Survey.

Since 1973, the GSS has asked respondents, “Is there any area right around here–that is, within a mile–where you would be afraid to walk alone at night?” Out of more than 37,000 people who have answered this question, about 38% said “Yes”.

Since 1974, they have also asked, “Should divorce in this country be easier or more difficult to obtain than it is now?” About 49% of the respondents said it should be more difficult.

(gss["divlaw"].dropna() == 2).mean()
xtab = pd.crosstab(gss["year"], gss["divlaw"], normalize="index")
(gss["fear"].dropna() == 1).mean()
xtab = pd.crosstab(gss["year"], gss["fear"], normalize="index")

Now, if you had to guess, would you expect these responses to be correlated; that is, do you think someone who says they are afraid to walk alone at night might be more likely to say divorce should be more difficult? As it turns out, they are slightly correlated:

  • Of people who said they are afraid, about 50% said divorce should be more difficult.

  • Of people who said they are not afraid, about 49% said divorce should be more difficult.

However, there are several reasons we should not take this correlation too seriously:

  • The difference between the groups is too small to make any real difference, even if it were valid;

  • It combines results from 1974 to 2018, so it ignores the changes in both responses over that time; and

  • It is actually an artifact of Simpson’s paradox.

To explain the third point, let’s look at responses from men and women separately. The following figure shows this breakdown.

# This example doesn't work with the new 2021 data.
# Examples of Simpson's paradox are not always robust, but the
# point of this example is that it existed at a point in time.

gss = pd.read_hdf("gss_simpson.hdf", "gss")
(68846, 214)
data = gss.dropna(subset=["fear"]).copy()
data["fear"].replace(2, 0, inplace=True)
0.0    26872
1.0    16701
Name: fear, dtype: int64
data["sex"].replace({1: "Male", 2: "Female"}, inplace=True)
Female    23420
Male      20011
Name: sex, dtype: int64
from utils import make_pivot_table

xvarname = "fear"
yvarname = "divlaw"
gvarname = "sex"
yvalue = 2

series, table = make_pivot_table(data, xvarname, yvarname, gvarname, yvalue)
0.0    48.567299
1.0    50.683683
Name: all, dtype: float64
sex Female Male
0.0 50.795290 47.008671
1.0 51.736295 47.706879
0.0    48.567299
1.0    50.683683
Name: all, dtype: float64
from utils import anchor_legend

table["Male"].plot(ls="--", color="C0")

series.plot(ls=":", color="gray", label="Overall")
plt.plot(0, series[0], "s", color="gray")
plt.plot(1, series[1], ">", color="gray")

title = "Should divorce be easier to obtain?"
decorate(xlabel="Afraid at night", ylabel="Percent saying yes", title=title)
plt.xticks([0, 1], ["No", "Yes"])
anchor_legend(1.02, 1.02)

Among women, people who are afraid are less likely to say divorce should be difficult. And among men, people who are afraid are also less likely to say divorce should be difficult (very slightly). In both groups, the correlation is negative, but when we put them together, the correlation is positive. People who are afraid are more likely to say divorce should be difficult.

As with the other examples of Simpson’s paradox, this might seem to be impossible. But as with the other examples, it is not.

The key is to realize that there is a correlation between the sex of the respondent and their responses to both questions. In particular, of the people who said they are not afraid, 41% are female; of the people who said they are afraid, 74% are female. You can actually see these proportions in the figure:

  • On the left, the square marker is 41% of the way between the male and female proportions.

  • On the right, the triangle marker is 74% of the way between the male and female proportions.

In both cases, the overall proportion is a mixture of the male and female proportions. But it is a different mixture on the left and right. That’s why Simpson’s paradox is possible.

xtab = pd.crosstab(data["fear"], data["sex"], normalize="index")
sex Female Male
0.0 0.420412 0.579588
1.0 0.730517 0.269483

With this example under our belts, we are ready to take on one of the best-known examples of Simpson’s paradox. It comes from a paper, published in 1986 by researchers at St Paul’s Hospital in London, that compared two treatments for kidney stones: (A) open surgery and (B) percutaneous nephrolithotomy. For our purposes, it doesn’t matter what these treatments are; I’ll just call them A and B.

Among 350 patients who received Treatment A, 78% had a positive outcome; among another 350 patients who received Treatment B, 83% had a positive outcome. So it seems like Treatment B is better.

index = [0, 1]
series = pd.Series([78, 83], index=index)
0    78
1    83
dtype: int64
columns = ["Small", "Large"]
numer = pd.DataFrame([[81, 192], [234, 55]], index=index, columns=columns)
Small Large
0 81 192
1 234 55
denom = pd.DataFrame([[87, 263], [270, 80]], index=index, columns=columns)
Small Large
0 87 263
1 270 80
0    350
1    350
dtype: int64
series = numer.T.sum() / denom.T.sum() * 100
0    78.000000
1    82.571429
dtype: float64

However, when they split the patients into groups, they found that the results were reversed:

  • Among patients with relatively small kidney stones, Treatment A was better, with a success rate of 93% compared to 86%.

  • Among patients with larger kidney stones, Treatment A was better again, with a success rate of 73% compared to 69%.

The following figure shows these results in graphical form.

table = numer / denom * 100
Small Large
0 93.103448 73.003802
1 86.666667 68.750000
table["Large"].plot(ls="--", color="C0")

series.plot(ls=":", color="gray", label="Overall")
plt.plot(0, series[0], "s", color="gray")
plt.plot(1, series[1], ">", color="gray")

    title="Kidney stone positive outcomes",
plt.xticks([0, 1], ["A", "B"])
anchor_legend(1.02, 1.02)

This figure resembles the previous one because the explanation is the same in both cases: the overall percentages, indicated by the square and triangle markers, are mixtures of the percentages from the two groups. But they are different mixtures on the left and right.

For medical reasons, patients with larger kidney stones were more likely to receive Treatment A; patients with smaller kidney stones were more likely to receive Treatment B.

As a result, among people who received Treatment A, 75% had large kidney stones, which is why the square marker on the left is closer to the Large group. And among people who received Treatment B, 77% had small kidney stones, which is why the triangle marker is closer to the Small group.

props = denom.T / denom.T.sum()
0 1
Small 0.248571 0.771429
Large 0.751429 0.228571

I hope this explanation makes sense, but even if it does, you might wonder how to choose a treatment. Suppose you are a patient and your doctor explains:

  • For someone with a small kidney stone, Treatment A is better.

  • For someone with a large kidney stone, Treatment A is better.

  • But overall, Treatment B is better.

Which treatment should you choose? Other considerations being equal, you should choose A because it has a higher chance of success for any patient, regardless of stone size. The apparent success of B is a statistical artifact, the result of two causal relationships:

  • Smaller stones are more likely to get Treatment B.

  • Smaller stones are more likely to lead to a good outcome.

Looking at the overall results, Treatment B only looks good because it is used for easier cases; Treatment A only looks bad because it is used for the hard cases. If you are choosing a treatment, you should look at the results within the groups, not between the groups.

Do vaccines work? Hint: yes.#

Now that we have mastered Simpson’s paradox, let’s get back to the example from the beginning of the chapter, the newsletter that went viral with the claim that “Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age”.

The newsletter includes a graph based on data from the U.K. Office for National Statistics. I downloaded the same data and replicated the graph, which looks like this:

filename = "datasetfinalcorrected3.xlsx"
download(DATA_PATH + filename)
df = pd.read_excel(
    sheet_name="Table 4",
Week ending Week number Vaccination status Age group Number of deaths Population Percentage of total age-group population Age-specific rate per 100,000 Unnamed: 8 Lower confidence limit Upper confidence limit
603 2021-09-17 37 Second dose 80+ 4000 2437192 96.3 164.1 NaN 159.1 169.3
604 2021-09-24 38 Second dose 10-59 400 17924346 66.4 2.2 NaN 2 2.5
605 2021-09-24 38 Second dose 60-69 638 4973647 93.8 12.8 NaN 11.9 13.9
606 2021-09-24 38 Second dose 70-79 1553 4171936 96.3 37.2 NaN 35.4 39.1
607 2021-09-24 38 Second dose 80+ 3839 2439328 96.3 157.4 NaN 152.4 162.4
df["Age-specific rate per 100,000"].replace(":", np.nan, inplace=True)
Index(['Week ending', 'Week number', 'Vaccination status', 'Age group',
       'Number of deaths', 'Population',
       'Percentage of total age-group population',
       'Age-specific rate per 100,000', 'Unnamed: 8', 'Lower confidence limit',
       'Upper confidence limit'],
table = df.pivot_table(
    index="Week ending",
    columns=["Vaccination status", "Age group"],
    values="Age-specific rate per 100,000",
Vaccination status 21 days or more after first dose Second dose Unvaccinated Within 21 days of first dose
Age group 10-59 60-69 70-79 80+ 10-59 60-69 70-79 80+ 10-59 60-69 70-79 80+ 10-59 60-69 70-79 80+
Week ending
2021-01-08 NaN NaN NaN 190.1 NaN NaN NaN 8.1 3.7 27.3 69.8 413.4 0.7 10.8 32.6 84.5
2021-01-15 2.7 NaN 104.3 186.8 NaN NaN NaN 32.8 4.0 30.1 78.8 645.1 1.9 19.7 25.8 100.6
2021-01-22 2.0 7.5 107.2 175.7 NaN NaN NaN 52.8 4.1 30.8 95.5 1198.0 1.7 21.5 25.4 122.0
2021-01-29 2.3 14.4 65.0 152.3 NaN NaN NaN 53.4 3.7 29.2 112.2 1571.9 1.8 18.3 26.3 180.9
2021-02-05 1.5 15.0 59.9 157.5 NaN NaN NaN 64.7 3.6 26.5 168.2 1456.1 3.4 11.9 22.8 223.0
recent = table.index >= pd.Timestamp("2021-3-19")
table[recent]["Second dose", "10-59"].plot(color="C1", ls="-", label="Vaccinated")
table[recent]["Unvaccinated", "10-59"].plot(color="C0", ls="--", label="Unvaccinated")

plt.margins(x=0.1, tight=False)
    ylabel="Weekly deaths per 100k",
    title="All cause death rates, ages 10–59",
    ylim=[0.1, 4.6],
    loc="upper right",

The lines show weekly death rates from all causes, per 100,000 people age 10-59, from March to September 2021. The solid line represents people who were fully vaccinated; the dashed line represents people who were unvaccinated.

The journalist I won’t name concludes: “Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal. I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.” Well, I do.

There are two things wrong with his interpretation of the data:

  • First, by choosing one age group and time interval, he has cherry-picked data that support his conclusion and ignored data that don’t.

  • Second, because the data combine a wide range of ages, from 10 to 59, he has been fooled by Simpson’s paradox.

Let’s debunk one thing at a time. First, here’s what the graph looks like if we include the entire dataset, which starts in January:

start = pd.Timestamp("2021-01-01")
end = pd.Timestamp("2021-09-30")
options = dict(xlabel="", ylabel="Weekly deaths per 100k", xlim=[start, end])
table["Second dose", "10-59"].plot(color="C1", label="Vaccinated")
table["Unvaccinated", "10-59"].plot(ls="--", label="Unvaccinated")

decorate(title="All cause death rates, ages 10–59", ylim=[0.1, 4.7], **options)

Overall death rates were “running well above normal” in January and February, when almost no one in the 10-59 age range had been vaccinated. Those deaths cannot have been caused by the vaccine; in fact, they were caused by a surge in the Alpha variant of COVID-19.

The unnamed journalist leaves out the time range that contradicts him; he also leaves out the age ranges that contradict him. In all of the older age ranges, death rates were consistently lower among people who had been vaccinated. The following figures show death rates for people in their 60s and 70s, and people over 80.

ages = "60-69"
table["Unvaccinated", ages].plot(ls="--", label="Unvaccinated")
table["Second dose", ages].plot(label="Vaccinated")

decorate(title="All cause death rates, ages 60–69", **options)
ages = "70-79"
table["Unvaccinated", ages].plot(ls="--", label="Unvaccinated")
table["Second dose", ages].plot(label="Vaccinated")

decorate(title="All cause death rates, ages 70–79", **options)
ages = "80+"
table["Unvaccinated", ages].plot(ls="--", label="Unvaccinated")
table["Second dose", ages].plot(label="Vaccinated")

decorate(title="All cause death rates, ages 80+", **options)

Notice that the \(y\) axes are on different scales; death rates are much higher in the older age groups.

ages = "80+"
ratio = table["Unvaccinated", ages] / table["Second dose", ages]
Week ending
2021-01-08    51.037037
2021-01-15    19.667683
2021-01-22    22.689394
2021-01-29    29.436330
2021-02-05    22.505410
2021-02-12    19.391549
2021-02-19    16.596708
2021-02-26    11.674699
2021-03-05    11.043411
2021-03-12     9.223724
dtype: float64

In all of these groups, death rates are substantially lower for people who are vaccinated, which is what we expect from a vaccine that has been shown in large clinical trials to be safe and effective.

So what explains the apparent reversal among people between 10 and 59 years old? It is a statistical artifact caused by Simpson’s paradox. Specifically, it is caused by two correlations:

  • Within this age group, older people were more likely to be vaccinated, and

  • Older people were more likely to die of any cause, just because they are older.

Both of these correlations are strong. For example, at the beginning of August, about 88% of people at the high end of this age range had been vaccinated; none of the people at the low end had. And the death rate for people at the high end was 54 times higher than for people at the low end.

To show that these correlations are strong enough to explain the observed difference in death rates, I will follow an analysis by epidemiologist Jeffrey Morris, who refuted the unreliable journalist’s claims within days of their publication. He divides the excessively wide 10-59 year age group into 10 groups, each 5 years wide.

To estimate normal, pre-pandemic death rates in these groups, he uses 2019 data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics. To estimate the vaccination rate in each group, he uses data from the coronavirus dashboard provided by the U.K. Health Security Agency. Finally, to estimate the fraction of people in each age group, he uses data from a web site called PopulationPyramid, which organizes and publishes data from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Not to get lost in the details, these are all reliable data sources.

Combining these datasets, Morris is able to compute the distribution of ages in the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups at the beginning of August 2021 (choosing a point near the middle of the interval in the original graph). The following figure shows the results.

index = [
rate = [8.8, 23.1, 39.1, 48.4, 66.9, 97.3, 143.3, 219.6, 321.5, 478.2]
pct_vax = [0, 26.7, 59.6, 59.7, 63.3, 63.3, 74.6, 80.5, 85.6, 88.2]
pct_pop = [5.9, 5.5, 6.2, 6.8, 6.7, 6.6, 6.0, 6.6, 7.0, 6.6]
rate[-1] / rate[0]
sheet = pd.DataFrame(dict(rate=rate, pct_vax=pct_vax, pct_pop=pct_pop), index)
rate pct_vax pct_pop
10-14 8.8 0.0 5.9
15-19 23.1 26.7 5.5
20-24 39.1 59.6 6.2
25-29 48.4 59.7 6.8
30-34 66.9 63.3 6.7
35-39 97.3 63.3 6.6
40-44 143.3 74.6 6.0
45-49 219.6 80.5 6.6
50-54 321.5 85.6 7.0
55-59 478.2 88.2 6.6
sheet["pct_pop"] /= sheet["pct_pop"].sum()
rate pct_vax pct_pop
10-14 8.8 0.0 0.092332
15-19 23.1 26.7 0.086072
20-24 39.1 59.6 0.097027
25-29 48.4 59.7 0.106416
30-34 66.9 63.3 0.104851
35-39 97.3 63.3 0.103286
40-44 143.3 74.6 0.093897
45-49 219.6 80.5 0.103286
50-54 321.5 85.6 0.109546
55-59 478.2 88.2 0.103286
sheet["pct_vax_age"] = sheet["pct_pop"] * sheet["pct_vax"]
sheet["pct_vax_age"] /= sheet["pct_vax_age"].sum()
rate pct_vax pct_pop pct_vax_age
10-14 8.8 0.0 0.092332 0.000000
15-19 23.1 26.7 0.086072 0.037419
20-24 39.1 59.6 0.097027 0.094159
25-29 48.4 59.7 0.106416 0.103444
30-34 66.9 63.3 0.104851 0.108069
35-39 97.3 63.3 0.103286 0.106456
40-44 143.3 74.6 0.093897 0.114054
45-49 219.6 80.5 0.103286 0.135382
50-54 321.5 85.6 0.109546 0.152684
55-59 478.2 88.2 0.103286 0.148332
sheet["pct_novax_age"] = sheet["pct_pop"] * (100 - sheet["pct_vax"])
sheet["pct_novax_age"] /= sheet["pct_novax_age"].sum()
rate pct_vax pct_pop pct_vax_age pct_novax_age
10-14 8.8 0.0 0.092332 0.000000 0.239297
15-19 23.1 26.7 0.086072 0.037419 0.163513
20-24 39.1 59.6 0.097027 0.094159 0.101592
25-29 48.4 59.7 0.106416 0.103444 0.111147
30-34 66.9 63.3 0.104851 0.108069 0.099730
35-39 97.3 63.3 0.103286 0.106456 0.098241
40-44 143.3 74.6 0.093897 0.114054 0.061812
45-49 219.6 80.5 0.103286 0.135382 0.052199
50-54 321.5 85.6 0.109546 0.152684 0.040883
55-59 478.2 88.2 0.103286 0.148332 0.031587
from empiricaldist import Pmf

pmf_novax = Pmf(sheet["pct_novax_age"], copy=True)
pmf_vax = Pmf(sheet["pct_vax_age"], copy=True)

pmf_novax.plot(ls="--", color="C4", label="Unvaccinated")
pmf_vax.plot(color="C2", label="Vaccinated")

    xlabel="Age group",
    ylabel="Fraction of population",
    title="Distribution of ages",
    ylim=[0, 0.26],
xs = [12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57]

ps = sheet["pct_novax_age"]
    x=xs, weights=ps, cut=0, ls="--", color="C4", label="Unvaccinated", alpha=0.6

ps = sheet["pct_vax_age"]
sns.kdeplot(x=xs, weights=ps, cut=0, color="C2", label="Vaccinated", alpha=0.6)

    xlabel="Age group",
    title="Distribution of ages",
plt.yticks([0.005, 0.015, 0.025])
([<matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f52972af5e0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f52972ad720>,
  <matplotlib.axis.YTick at 0x7f52973ab100>],
 [Text(0, 0.005, '0.005'), Text(0, 0.015, '0.015'), Text(0, 0.025, '0.025')])
pmf_vax.index = xs
pmf_novax.index = xs
pmf_vax.mean(), pmf_novax.mean()
(40.445446993711194, 26.68938091143594)

At this point during the rollout of the vaccines, people who were vaccinated were more likely to be at the high end of the age range, and people who were unvaccinated were more likely to be at the low end. Among the vaccinated, the average age was about 40; among the unvaccinated, it was 27.

Now, for the sake of this example, let’s imagine that there are no deaths due to COVID, and no deaths due to the vaccine. Based only on the distribution of ages and the death rates from 2019, we can compute the expected death rates for the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. The ratio of these two rates is about 2.4.

So, prior to the pandemic, we would expect people with the age distribution of the vaccinated to die at a rate 2.4 times higher than people with the age distribution of the unvaccinated, just because they are older.

In reality, the pandemic increased the death rate in both groups, so the actual ratio was smaller, about 1.8. Thus, the results the journalist presented are not evidence that vaccines are harmful; as Morris concludes, they are “not unexpected, and can be fully explained by the Simpson’s paradox artifact”.

rate pct_vax pct_pop pct_vax_age pct_novax_age
10-14 8.8 0.0 0.092332 0.000000 0.239297
15-19 23.1 26.7 0.086072 0.037419 0.163513
20-24 39.1 59.6 0.097027 0.094159 0.101592
25-29 48.4 59.7 0.106416 0.103444 0.111147
30-34 66.9 63.3 0.104851 0.108069 0.099730
35-39 97.3 63.3 0.103286 0.106456 0.098241
40-44 143.3 74.6 0.093897 0.114054 0.061812
45-49 219.6 80.5 0.103286 0.135382 0.052199
50-54 321.5 85.6 0.109546 0.152684 0.040883
55-59 478.2 88.2 0.103286 0.148332 0.031587
sheet["death_vax"] = sheet["rate"] * sheet["pct_vax_age"]
sheet["death_novax"] = sheet["rate"] * sheet["pct_novax_age"]
rate pct_vax pct_pop pct_vax_age pct_novax_age death_vax death_novax
10-14 8.8 0.0 0.092332 0.000000 0.239297 0.000000 2.105810
15-19 23.1 26.7 0.086072 0.037419 0.163513 0.864387 3.777140
20-24 39.1 59.6 0.097027 0.094159 0.101592 3.681603 3.972229
25-29 48.4 59.7 0.106416 0.103444 0.111147 5.006692 5.379523
30-34 66.9 63.3 0.104851 0.108069 0.099730 7.229811 6.671929
35-39 97.3 63.3 0.103286 0.106456 0.098241 10.358164 9.558886
40-44 143.3 74.6 0.093897 0.114054 0.061812 16.344008 8.857590
45-49 219.6 80.5 0.103286 0.135382 0.052199 29.729969 11.462921
50-54 321.5 85.6 0.109546 0.152684 0.040883 49.087972 13.143951
55-59 478.2 88.2 0.103286 0.148332 0.031587 70.932358 15.104973
sheet["death_vax"].sum(), sheet["death_novax"].sum()
(193.23496549826214, 80.03495027498823)
sheet["death_vax"].sum() / sheet["death_novax"].sum()

Debunk Redux#

So far we have used only data that was publicly available in November 2021, but if we take advantage of more recent data, we can get a clearer picture of what was happening then and what has happened since.

In more recent reports, data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics are broken into smaller age groups. Instead of one group from ages 10 to 59, we have three groups from 18 to 39, 40 to 49, and 50 to 59.

filename = "referencetable20220516accessiblecorrected.xlsx"
download(DATA_PATH + filename)
df = pd.read_excel(
    sheet_name="Table 2",
Cause of Death Year Month Age group Vaccination status Count of deaths Person-years Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years Noted as Unreliable Lower confidence limit Upper confidence limit
2200 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ First dose, at least 21 days ago 57 191 29817.6 NaN 22582.1 38633
2201 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ Second dose, less than 21 days ago <3 7 x NaN x x
2202 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ Second dose, at least 21 days ago 515 1415 36402.2 NaN 33325.7 39686.4
2203 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago 20 67 29992.6 NaN 18312.4 46323.7
2204 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago 7024 36170 19419.5 NaN 18967.9 19879
Index(['Cause of Death', 'Year', 'Month', 'Age group', 'Vaccination status',
       'Count of deaths', 'Person-years',
       'Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years',
       'Noted as Unreliable', 'Lower confidence limit',
       'Upper confidence limit'],
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Year"].astype(str) + " " + df["Month"])
rate = "Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years"
df["rate"] = df[rate].replace("x", np.nan) / 52
count = "Count of deaths"
df[count].replace("<3", np.nan, inplace=True)
all_cause = df["Cause of Death"] == "All causes"
all_cause_df = df[all_cause]
(735, 13)
table = all_cause_df.pivot_table(
    columns=["Age group", "Vaccination status"],
Age group 18-39 40-49 ... 80-89 90+
Vaccination status First dose, at least 21 days ago First dose, less than 21 days ago Second dose, at least 21 days ago Second dose, less than 21 days ago Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago Unvaccinated First dose, at least 21 days ago First dose, less than 21 days ago Second dose, at least 21 days ago ... Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago Unvaccinated First dose, at least 21 days ago First dose, less than 21 days ago Second dose, at least 21 days ago Second dose, less than 21 days ago Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago Unvaccinated
2021-01-01 2.305769 0.886538 NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.338462 1.480769 1.457692 NaN ... NaN NaN 450.526923 559.213462 379.090385 128.263462 106.234615 NaN NaN 1142.453846
2021-02-01 1.313462 2.232692 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.996154 2.419231 3.700000 NaN ... NaN NaN 994.521154 439.519231 460.546154 148.984615 300.221154 NaN NaN 1736.271154
2021-03-01 1.767308 0.982692 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.836538 4.726923 2.678846 1.588462 ... NaN NaN 478.028846 414.605769 628.298077 191.775000 197.580769 NaN NaN 905.005769
2021-04-01 2.194231 0.875000 0.663462 1.051923 NaN NaN 0.788462 4.421154 0.951923 1.342308 ... NaN NaN 310.036538 722.825000 622.315385 274.011538 223.715385 NaN NaN 573.459615
2021-05-01 1.573077 0.298077 1.278846 0.915385 NaN NaN 0.719231 3.226923 0.909615 3.423077 ... NaN NaN 205.926923 1423.846154 135.448077 310.394231 338.209615 NaN NaN 441.151923
2021-06-01 1.353846 0.226923 1.398077 0.457692 NaN NaN 1.013462 2.071154 2.248077 3.571154 ... NaN NaN 207.298077 1352.734615 299.959615 308.330769 485.123077 NaN NaN 436.778846
2021-07-01 0.688462 1.084615 1.525000 0.128846 NaN NaN 1.200000 3.688462 1.842308 3.251923 ... NaN NaN 219.240385 1203.386538 NaN 359.451923 488.507692 NaN NaN 451.611538
2021-08-01 0.894231 NaN 0.982692 0.280769 NaN NaN 1.109615 8.375000 5.334615 2.090385 ... NaN NaN 225.351923 1080.765385 840.396154 368.871154 217.723077 NaN NaN 485.823077
2021-09-01 1.225000 NaN 0.751923 0.234615 NaN NaN 1.069231 9.867308 6.626923 2.532692 ... NaN 17.540385 219.619231 1101.913462 NaN 389.775000 227.242308 NaN 87.246154 419.742308
2021-10-01 1.569231 NaN 0.657692 NaN 1.409615 1.025000 0.971154 10.359615 NaN 2.361538 ... 57.553846 51.503846 209.694231 1098.215385 1629.328846 569.080769 491.707692 217.957692 186.430769 463.415385
2021-11-01 1.407692 NaN 0.588462 0.655769 1.273077 0.965385 0.809615 5.736538 NaN 2.425000 ... 84.676923 87.525000 234.880769 915.100000 1682.178846 854.875000 870.748077 306.765385 293.886538 469.390385
2021-12-01 1.082692 NaN 0.492308 NaN 1.178846 0.330769 1.186538 7.155769 NaN 2.775000 ... 116.386538 180.213462 277.171154 975.467308 NaN 1261.742308 591.913462 394.207692 435.736538 541.403846
2022-01-01 0.861538 NaN 0.705769 NaN 0.555769 0.171154 0.675000 6.648077 NaN 4.094231 ... 132.209615 288.563462 243.730769 1019.373077 1488.594231 1341.825000 413.482692 418.669231 531.225000 642.796154
2022-02-01 0.621154 NaN 0.575000 NaN 0.471154 NaN 0.442308 7.282692 NaN 3.023077 ... 134.719231 352.348077 190.228846 741.442308 1879.340385 921.113462 986.521154 420.294231 639.675000 469.457692
2022-03-01 0.944231 NaN 0.453846 NaN 0.484615 NaN 0.486538 5.673077 NaN 2.842308 ... 132.651923 248.367308 177.480769 653.894231 NaN 784.319231 NaN 411.732692 605.619231 384.192308

15 rows × 49 columns

weight = all_cause_df.pivot_table(
    columns=["Age group", "Vaccination status"],
Age group 18-39 40-49 ... 80-89 90+
Vaccination status First dose, at least 21 days ago First dose, less than 21 days ago Second dose, at least 21 days ago Second dose, less than 21 days ago Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago Unvaccinated First dose, at least 21 days ago First dose, less than 21 days ago Second dose, at least 21 days ago ... Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago Unvaccinated First dose, at least 21 days ago First dose, less than 21 days ago Second dose, at least 21 days ago Second dose, less than 21 days ago Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago Unvaccinated
2021-01-01 4652 26531 245 1298 0 0 919726 3808 19144 230 ... 0 0 73526 2868 13697 435 2480 0 0 18501
2021-02-01 42417 39726 1796 702 0 0 775131 30464 30705 1725 ... 0 0 9636 20376 6965 3382 83 0 0 3233
2021-03-01 101611 63998 3920 10271 0 0 771499 77988 58483 3546 ... 0 0 6529 26123 698 4282 4633 0 0 1970
2021-04-01 139889 32920 24262 35289 0 0 687679 124715 61689 18918 ... 0 0 5050 7455 161 13980 13616 0 0 1502
2021-05-01 113834 54401 79347 52111 0 0 650418 166754 84731 60506 ... 0 0 4821 1448 71 32341 2854 0 0 1408
2021-06-01 130731 148028 153165 53434 0 0 433521 164911 14535 130976 ... 0 0 4441 644 38 34772 412 0 0 1294
2021-07-01 277344 99274 233284 61414 0 0 277646 64268 4330 247896 ... 0 0 4441 457 23 36701 138 0 0 1295
2021-08-01 220983 20382 338822 127408 0 0 240885 21577 2046 355560 ... 0 0 4344 370 11 37036 62 0 0 1271
2021-09-01 94196 10388 505837 88779 0 697 217515 14395 1297 369736 ... 0 3627 4142 321 7 35489 25 0 573 1214
2021-10-01 67311 6356 615435 24779 3520 14868 215324 12672 994 370576 ... 18622 62884 4219 292 12 22415 31 3168 11842 1237
2021-11-01 55034 4944 594332 12667 26066 22277 201381 10978 784 328710 ... 104487 32240 4020 250 10 8868 27 19966 7466 1172
2021-12-01 47569 6244 489873 12516 63907 126969 199821 9915 945 202910 ... 149236 9773 4082 227 11 3605 29 30572 3301 1186
2022-01-01 42878 6134 285156 9038 286671 125788 190750 9010 882 87018 ... 161790 2083 4016 208 9 1845 19 34863 782 1164
2022-02-01 39248 2948 232464 4913 388129 19277 167539 8078 405 68465 ... 148653 380 3598 179 4 1380 10 32413 141 1036
2022-03-01 42386 1460 249676 3968 454596 10328 183341 8695 164 72977 ... 165318 201 3966 191 2 1415 7 36170 67 1141

15 rows × 49 columns

all_cause_df["Vaccination status"].value_counts()
Unvaccinated                                    105
First dose, less than 21 days ago               105
First dose, at least 21 days ago                105
Second dose, less than 21 days ago              105
Second dose, at least 21 days ago               105
Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago    105
Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago     105
Name: Vaccination status, dtype: int64
unvax_stat = ["Unvaccinated"]

vax_stat = [
    "Second dose, less than 21 days ago",
    "Second dose, at least 21 days ago",
    "Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago",
    "Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago",
def weighted_sum(table, weight):
    """Weighted sum of table and weight.

    table: DataFrame
    weight: DataFrame

    returns: Series
    # make sure that weight is 0 where table is NaN
    a = np.where(table.notna(), weight, 0)
    weight = pd.DataFrame(a, index=weight.index, columns=weight.columns)

    # normalize the weights rowwise
    total = weight.sum(axis=1)
    weight_norm = weight.divide(total, axis=0)

    # compute the weighted sum of table
    prod = table.fillna(0) * weight_norm
    return prod.sum(axis=1).replace(0, np.nan)
def get_groups(frame, groups, status):
    """Select age groups and vax status.

    frame: DataFrame (table or weights)
    groups: list of string age group names
    status: list of string vax status

    returns: DataFrame
    seq = [frame[group][status] for group in groups]
    return pd.concat(seq, axis=1)
def make_plot(table, weight, groups):
    """Plot mortality for vaxed and unvaxed.

    table: DataFrame
    weight: DataFrame
    groups: list of string age groups
    t = get_groups(table, groups, unvax_stat)
    w = get_groups(weight, groups, unvax_stat)
    unvax = weighted_sum(t, w)

    t = get_groups(table, groups, vax_stat)
    w = get_groups(weight, groups, vax_stat)
    vax = weighted_sum(t, w)

    ages = ",".join(groups)
    unvax.plot(ls="--", label="Unvaccinated")

        ylabel="Weekly deaths per 100k",
        title=f"All cause death rates, ages {ages}",

    # adjust the axes
    ax = plt.gca()
    low, high = plt.gca().get_ylim()
    plt.ylim(0, high)

    start = pd.Timestamp("2020-12-15")
    end = pd.Timestamp("2022-04-01")
    plt.xlim(start, end)
# This figure shows what happens if we combine the youngest three groups,
# as in the original data
groups = ["18-39", "40-49", "50-59"]
make_plot(table, weight, groups)
# the following figures look at the older age groups, which I won't present again

groups = ["90+"]
make_plot(table, weight, groups)
groups = ["80-89"]
make_plot(table, weight, groups)
groups = ["70-79"]
make_plot(table, weight, groups)
groups = ["60-69"]
make_plot(table, weight, groups)

Let’s start with the oldest of these subgroups. Among people in their 50s, we see that the all-cause death rate was substantially higher among unvaccinated people over the entire interval from March 2021 to April 2022.

groups = ["50-59"]
make_plot(table, weight, groups)
plt.ylim([0, 24])
plt.legend(loc="upper right")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f529563ada0>

If we select people in their 40s, we see the same thing: death rates were higher for unvaccinated people over the entire interval.

groups = ["40-49"]
make_plot(table, weight, groups)
plt.ylim([0, 7.8])
plt.legend(loc="upper right")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f529539bee0>

However, it is notable that death rates in both groups have declined since April or May 2021, and have nearly converged. Possible explanations include improved treatment for coronavirus disease and the decline of more lethal variants of the COVID virus. In the U.K., December 2021 is when the Delta variant was largely replaced by the Omicron variant, which is less deadly.

Finally, let’s see what happened in the youngest group, people aged 18 to 39.

groups = ["18-39"]
make_plot(table, weight, groups)

In this age group, like the others, death rates are generally higher among unvaccinated people. There are a few months where the pattern is reversed, but we should not take it too seriously because:

  • Death rates in this age group are very low, less than 1 per 100,000 per week, vaccinated or not.

  • The apparent differences between the groups are even smaller, and might be the result of random variation.

  • Finally, this age group is still broad enough that the results are influenced by Simpson’s paradox. The vaccinated people in this group were older than the unvaccinated, and the older people in this group were about 10 times more likely to die, just because of their age.

In summary, the excess mortality among vaccinated people in 2021 is entirely explained by Simpson’s paradox. If we break the dataset into appropriate age groups, we see that death rates were higher among the unvaccinated in all age groups over the entire time from the rollout of the vaccine to the present. And we can conclude that the vaccine saved many lives.

may = (df["Year"] == 2021) & (df["Month"] == "May")
fully = df["Vaccination status"] == "Second dose, at least 21 days ago"
age = df["Age group"] == "18-39"
df[may & fully & age]
Cause of Death Year Month Age group Vaccination status Count of deaths Person-years Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years Noted as Unreliable Lower confidence limit Upper confidence limit date rate
200 All causes 2021 May 18-39 Second dose, at least 21 days ago 52.0 79347 66.5 NaN 48.9 88.3 2021-05-01 1.278846
935 Deaths involving COVID-19 2021 May 18-39 Second dose, at least 21 days ago NaN 79347 x NaN x x 2021-05-01 NaN
1670 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2021 May 18-39 Second dose, at least 21 days ago 52.0 79347 66.5 NaN 48.9 88.3 2021-05-01 1.278846
rate pct_vax pct_pop pct_vax_age pct_novax_age death_vax death_novax
10-14 8.8 0.0 0.092332 0.000000 0.239297 0.000000 2.105810
15-19 23.1 26.7 0.086072 0.037419 0.163513 0.864387 3.777140
20-24 39.1 59.6 0.097027 0.094159 0.101592 3.681603 3.972229
25-29 48.4 59.7 0.106416 0.103444 0.111147 5.006692 5.379523
30-34 66.9 63.3 0.104851 0.108069 0.099730 7.229811 6.671929
35-39 97.3 63.3 0.103286 0.106456 0.098241 10.358164 9.558886
40-44 143.3 74.6 0.093897 0.114054 0.061812 16.344008 8.857590
45-49 219.6 80.5 0.103286 0.135382 0.052199 29.729969 11.462921
50-54 321.5 85.6 0.109546 0.152684 0.040883 49.087972 13.143951
55-59 478.2 88.2 0.103286 0.148332 0.031587 70.932358 15.104973
mortality = sheet["rate"] / 52
10-14    0.169231
15-19    0.444231
20-24    0.751923
25-29    0.930769
30-34    1.286538
35-39    1.871154
40-44    2.755769
45-49    4.223077
50-54    6.182692
55-59    9.196154
Name: rate, dtype: float64
mortality["55-59"], mortality["20-24"]
(9.196153846153846, 0.7519230769230769)
mortality["55-59"] / mortality["20-24"]
sheet.loc["55-59", "pct_vax"], sheet.loc["20-24", "pct_vax"]
(88.2, 59.6)
sheet.loc["55-59", "pct_vax"] / sheet.loc["20-24", "pct_vax"]

Lives saved#

filename = "referencetable20220516accessiblecorrected.xlsx"
download(DATA_PATH + filename)
df = pd.read_excel(
    sheet_name="Table 2",
Cause of Death Year Month Age group Vaccination status Count of deaths Person-years Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years Noted as Unreliable Lower confidence limit Upper confidence limit
2200 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ First dose, at least 21 days ago 57 191 29817.6 NaN 22582.1 38633
2201 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ Second dose, less than 21 days ago <3 7 x NaN x x
2202 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ Second dose, at least 21 days ago 515 1415 36402.2 NaN 33325.7 39686.4
2203 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago 20 67 29992.6 NaN 18312.4 46323.7
2204 Non-COVID-19 deaths 2022 March 90+ Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago 7024 36170 19419.5 NaN 18967.9 19879
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Year"].astype(str) + " " + df["Month"])
all_cause = df["Cause of Death"] == "All causes"
rate_col = "Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years"
df[rate_col].replace("x", np.nan, inplace=True)
count     1447.000000
mean      6413.953766
std      12747.774742
min          0.900000
25%        122.400000
50%        835.700000
75%       6364.750000
max      97725.700000
Name: Age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person-years, dtype: float64
def estimate_saved_lives(period):
    index = period["Vaccination status"]
    deaths = pd.Series(period["Count of deaths"].values, index=index)
    pop = pd.Series(period["Person-years"].values, index=index)
    rate = pd.Series(period[rate_col].values, index=index)

    # choose the minimum rate among the fully vaccinated / boosted
    possible_rate = rate.iloc[4:].min() / 1e5
    actual_deaths = deaths["Unvaccinated"]
    possible_deaths = possible_rate * pop["Unvaccinated"]
    return actual_deaths - possible_deaths
res = []
for name, period in df[all_cause].groupby(["Age group", "date"]):
    saved = estimate_saved_lives(period)
    res.append((name[0], name[1], saved))

saved_df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=["Age group", "date", "saved"])
Age group date saved
0 18-39 2021-01-01 NaN
1 18-39 2021-02-01 NaN
2 18-39 2021-03-01 NaN
3 18-39 2021-04-01 31.750745
4 18-39 2021-05-01 -207.527970
... ... ... ...
100 90+ 2021-11-01 106.893788
101 90+ 2021-12-01 90.884232
102 90+ 2022-01-01 135.587888
103 90+ 2022-02-01 26.579092
104 90+ 2022-03-01 -16.289241

105 rows × 3 columns

series = saved_df.groupby("date")["saved"].sum()
2021-01-01    25602.785167
2021-02-01    14539.347887
2021-03-01     5751.205365
2021-04-01     2371.099972
2021-05-01     1081.724156
2021-06-01      904.974268
2021-07-01      922.228068
2021-08-01     1075.862092
2021-09-01     1603.805799
2021-10-01     1530.583100
2021-11-01     1353.284205
2021-12-01     1445.124507
2022-01-01     1108.678014
2022-02-01      469.170039
2022-03-01      286.239461
Name: saved, dtype: float64
index = period["Vaccination status"]
deaths = pd.Series(period["Count of deaths"].values, index=index)

pop = pd.Series(period["Person-years"].values, index=index)

rate = pd.Series(period[rate_col].values, index=index)

boosted = "Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago"
possible_rate = rate.iloc[4:].min() / 1e5

pop[boosted] * possible_rate


actual_deaths = deaths["Unvaccinated"]

possible_deaths = possible_rate * pop["Unvaccinated"]
actual_deaths, possible_deaths
(228, 244.28924099999998)

Israeli Data#

This is an analysis I started with another dataset that demonstrates a Simpson’s paradox if you don’t separate age groups.

Downloaded from

Originally from an Israeli government COVID dashboard with headings translated by Jeffrey S. Morris, director of the Biostatistics Division at the University of Pennsylvania.

filename = "Israeli_data_August_15_2021.xlsx"
download(DATA_PATH + filename)
df = pd.read_excel(filename, skiprows=2).loc[0:9]
df.index = df["age group"]
del df["age group"]
population unvax population vax population partial proportion unvax proportion vax proportion partial not vax vax partial vax not vax per 100k ... proportion of unvax severe unvax severe vax severe partial vax severe unvax per 100k risk severe 20-29 severe vax 100k severe parital vax per 1`00k Efficacy severe Efficacy severe partial
age group
12-15 383648.581384 184549.356223 49986.229689 0.620606 0.298535 0.080860 3083.0 172.0 363.0 803.6 ... 0.294455 1 0 0.0 0.3 0.048387 0.0 0.0 1.000000 1.000000
16-19 127745.045528 429109.159348 26662.484316 0.218923 0.735385 0.045693 954.0 1710.0 85.0 746.8 ... 0.098046 2 0 0.0 1.6 0.258065 0.0 0.0 1.000000 1.000000
20-29 265871.262336 991408.292865 43064.876957 0.204462 0.762420 0.033118 1805.0 5308.0 154.0 678.9 ... 0.204059 4 0 0.0 1.5 0.241935 0.0 0.0 1.000000 1.000000
30-39 194213.423919 968837.047354 33911.882510 0.162255 0.809413 0.028332 1658.0 5565.0 127.0 853.7 ... 0.149061 12 2 0.0 6.2 1.000000 0.2 0.0 0.967742 1.000000
40-49 145355.468255 927214.116050 26025.236593 0.132310 0.844000 0.023690 1147.0 5465.0 66.0 789.1 ... 0.111562 24 9 1.0 16.5 2.661290 1.0 3.8 0.939394 0.769697
50-59 84545.028143 747949.291573 17472.118959 0.099469 0.879975 0.020556 721.0 4012.0 47.0 852.8 ... 0.064889 34 22 0.0 40.2 6.483871 2.9 0.0 0.927861 1.000000
60-69 65204.929779 665716.790881 10668.163953 0.087926 0.897689 0.014386 455.0 3037.0 19.0 697.8 ... 0.050046 50 58 3.0 76.7 12.370968 8.7 28.1 0.886571 0.633638
70-79 20512.376666 464336.324988 5885.500268 0.041799 0.946207 0.011993 237.0 1966.0 22.0 1155.4 ... 0.015743 39 92 2.0 190.1 30.661290 19.8 34.0 0.895844 0.821147
80-89 12683.457148 208911.307272 3924.366750 0.056241 0.926357 0.017401 140.0 994.0 11.0 1103.8 ... 0.009735 32 100 2.0 252.3 40.693548 47.9 51.0 0.810147 0.797860
90+ 3132.059971 46601.941748 1764.112903 0.060819 0.904925 0.034256 61.0 264.0 7.0 1947.6 ... 0.002404 16 18 2.0 510.9 82.403226 38.6 113.4 0.924447 0.778039

10 rows × 24 columns

Index(['population unvax', 'population vax', 'population partial',
       'proportion unvax', 'proportion vax', 'proportion partial', 'not vax',
       'vax', 'partial vax', 'not vax per 100k', 'vax per 100k',
       'partial vax 100k', 'Efficacy', 'Efficacy partial',
       'proportion of unvax', 'severe unvax', 'severe vax',
       'severe partial vax', 'severe unvax per 100k', 'risk severe 20-29',
       'severe vax 100k', 'severe parital vax per 1`00k', 'Efficacy severe',
       'Efficacy severe partial'],
overall = df.sum()
population unvax                1302911.633129
population vax                  5634633.628302
population partial               219364.972898
proportion unvax                       1.68481
proportion vax                        8.004906
proportion partial                    0.310284
not vax                                10261.0
vax                                    28493.0
partial vax                              901.0
not vax per 100k                        9629.5
vax per 100k                            4649.2
partial vax 100k                        3528.7
Efficacy                              4.770884
Efficacy partial                      6.030771
proportion of unvax                        1.0
severe unvax                               214
severe vax                                 301
severe partial vax                        10.0
severe unvax per 100k                   1096.3
risk severe 20-29                   176.822581
severe vax 100k                          119.1
severe parital vax per 1`00k             230.3
Efficacy severe                       9.352006
Efficacy severe partial                8.80038
dtype: object
overall_risk_vax = overall["severe vax"] / overall["population vax"] * 1e5
overall_risk_unvax = overall["severe unvax"] / overall["population unvax"] * 1e5
age_group = df.index
risk_vax = pd.Series(df["severe vax 100k"].values, index=age_group)
risk_unvax = pd.Series(df["severe unvax per 100k"].values, index=age_group)
age group
12-15     0.0
16-19     0.0
20-29     0.0
30-39     0.2
40-49     1.0
50-59     2.9
60-69     8.7
70-79    19.8
80-89    47.9
90+      38.6
dtype: float64
table = pd.DataFrame(columns=["age_group"])

Probably Overthinking It

Copyright 2022 Allen Downey

The code in this notebook and is under the MIT license.