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The All-Knowing Cube of Probability#
This example uses array computations to explore the concept of conjugate distributions. It is an extension of Think Bayes, Chapter 18, which explains how to use conjugate priors to do Bayesian updates with very little computation.
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The all-knowing cube of probability is an 3-D array that contains the past, the present, and the probabilistic future.
At first, the cube appears to be a collection of binomial PMFs, but if we turn it sideways, we see that it is also a collection of negative binomial PMFs, and if we turn it sideways again, it is also a collection of grid-approximated beta distributions.
This tripartite nature is the source of its uncanny ability to perform Bayesian updates, which I will demonstrate.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Making the cube#
Suppose you run
For example, here’s a range of values for
ks = np.arange(101)
ns = np.arange(101)
ps = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
We can use meshgrid
to make a 3-D grid of binom
to evaluate the binomial PMF at each point.
from scipy.stats import binom
K, N, P = np.meshgrid(ks, ns, ps, indexing='ij')
cube = binom.pmf(K, N, P)
(101, 101, 101)
The result is the all-knowing cube of probability, so-called because it can answer all of our questions about Bernoulli trials. Allow me to demonstrate.
The binomial distribution#
Suppose we are given
n = 50
p = 50
pmf_k = cube[:, n, p]
The result is a normalized PMF.
Here’s what it looks like.
plt.plot(ks, pmf_k)
plt.title('Binomial distribution of $k$');

Because we used binom
to compute the cube, we should not be surprised to find that this slice from the cube is a binomial PMF.
But just to make sure, we can use binom
again to confirm it.
pmf_binom = binom.pmf(ks, n, p/100)
And we can check that the results are consistent.
np.allclose(pmf_k, pmf_binom)
So we can think of the cube as a collection of binomial PMFs.
But we can also think of it as a joint distribution of
The negative binomial distribution#
Suppose we plan to run Bernoulli trials with probability
We can answer this question by selecting a vector from the cube along the
k = 25
p = 50
pmf_n = cube[k, :, p].copy()
The result is close to the answer we want, but there’s something we have to fix. Remember that the values in the cube come from the binomial PMF, which looks like this.
The first term is the binomial coefficient, which indicates that there are
So we have to adjust the values from the cube by dividing the elements by
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
pmf_n /= (ns / k)
pmf_n[0] = 0
And normalize the results to get a proper PMF.
pmf_n /= pmf_n.sum()
Here’s what it looks like.
plt.plot(ns, pmf_n)
plt.title('Negative binomial distribution of $n$');

This is a negative binomial distribution, which we can confirm using scipy.stats.nbinom
from scipy.stats import nbinom
pmf_nbinom = nbinom.pmf(ns-k, k, p/100)
np.allclose(pmf_n, pmf_nbinom)
To see why this works we can compare the binomial PMF, which is a distribution over
And the negative binomial PMF, which I’ve written as a distribution over
This is not the most common way to parameterize the negative binomial distribution, but it shows that the only difference is in the binomial coefficient, because we know that the last trial is a success.
The beta distribution#
Suppose we have 101 devices that perform Bernoulli trials with different probabilities.
The first device has
Now suppose we choose one of the devices so that all values of
We can answer this question by selecting a vector from the cube along the
k = 25
n = 50
pdf_p = cube[k, n, :].copy()
The result is not normalized.
But we can normalize it like this.
pdf_p /= pdf_p.sum()
And here’s what it looks like.
plt.plot(ps, pdf_p)
plt.title('Beta distribution of $p$');

This is a beta distribution, which we can confirm by running scipy.stats.beta
with a change of variables,
from scipy.stats import beta
a = k + 1
b = n - k + 1
a, b
(26, 26)
pdf_beta = beta.pdf(ps, a, b)
pdf_beta /= pdf_beta.sum()
np.allclose(pdf_p, pdf_beta)
To see why this works, let’s compare the PDF of the beta distribution
And the PMF of the binomial distribution.
With the change of variables, they are identical except for the first term, which normalizes the distributions.
Conjugate priors#
This similarity is the reason the beta and binomial are conjugate distributions, which means they are joined together.
This relationship has a useful property for Bayesian statistics: if the prior distribution of
To see how that works, here is the PDF of the a beta prior distribution with parameters
I have omitted the normalizing factor – we don’t need it because we are going to normalize the distribution after the update.
Now suppose we see
Again, I have omitted the normalizing factor. Now to get the unnormalized posterior, we multiply the beta prior and the binomial likelihood. The result is
which we recognize as an unnormalized beta distribution with parameters
So if we observe
As an example, suppose the prior is a beta distribution with parameters
a = 2
b = 3
prior = beta.pdf(ps, a, b)
And suppose we see
k = 5
n = 10
like = binom.pmf(k, n, ps)
We can compute the posterior by multiplying the prior and the likelihood, then normalizing the results.
posterior = prior * like
posterior /= posterior.sum()
Or we can compute a beta distribution with the updated parameters.
posterior_beta = beta.pdf(ps, a+k, b+n-k)
posterior_beta /= posterior_beta.sum()
The result is the same either way.
np.allclose(posterior, posterior_beta)
But we don’t have to compute the posterior by doing an explicit update, or by computing a beta distribution, because the all-knowing cube of probability already knows the answer – we just have to ask.
The following function takes the parameters
def get_beta(a, b, cube):
k = a - 1
n = b + k - 1
pdf = cube[k, n, :].copy()
pdf /= pdf.sum()
return pdf
We can use it to get the posterior distribution of
posterior_cube = get_beta(a + k, b + n - k, cube)
And confirm that we get the same result.
np.allclose(posterior_beta, posterior_cube)
Here’s what it looks like.
plt.plot(ps, posterior_cube)
plt.title('Posterior distribution of p');

Update with nbinom#
Now suppose that instead of running
In this case, we can use the negative binomial distribution to compute the likelihood of the data.
like2 = nbinom.pmf(n-k, k, ps)
like2[0] = 0
And we can do the update in the usual way.
posterior2 = prior * like2
posterior2 /= posterior2.sum()
It turns out that the result is the same in both cases:
If we decide ahead of time to run
trials, and see successes, orIf we run until we see
successes, and it takes trials.
np.allclose(posterior, posterior2)
Bayesian inference only depends on the data, not the stopping condition. Or, as my friend Ted Bunn put it: Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Bayesian doesn’t care.
Posterior predictive distributions#
The all-knowing cube of probability knows what we should believe in the light of new data, but that’s not all. It also knows the future, at least probabilistically.
After an update, we can get posterior predictive distribution by computing a weighted mixture of binomial distributions with different values of
We can do that by selecting the
post_pred_k = (cube[:, n, :] * posterior).sum(axis=1)
The result is a distribution over[:n+1], post_pred_k[:n+1])
plt.title('Posterior predictive distribution of k');

A beta mixture of binomials is a beta-binomial distribution, and it has a PMF we can compute analytically.
from scipy.stats import betabinom
post_pred_bb = betabinom.pmf(ks, n, a+k, b+n-k)
So we can confirm that the all-knowing cube was correct.
np.allclose(post_pred_k, post_pred_bb)
The other posterior predictive#
We can also use the cube to compute the posterior predictive distribution of
We start by selecting the
Actually, we only have to divide by
plane = cube[k, :, :] / ns[:, None]
plane[0] = 0
Now we can compute a weighted sum as in the previous example, multiplying by the posterior and summing away the
post_pred_n = (plane * posterior).sum(axis=1)
post_pred_n /= post_pred_n.sum()
Here’s what it looks like.
plt.plot(ns, post_pred_n)
plt.title('Posterior predictive distribution of n');

A beta-weighted mixture of negative binomials is a beta-negative binomial distribution, and it has a PMF we can compute analytically.
SciPy doesn’t have a function to do it, but we can write our own using functions in scipy.special
import scipy.special as sps
def betanegbinom_pmf(n, r, a, b):
"""Compute the PMF of the beta-negative binomial distribution.
Generated by ChatGPT, revised based on
- n: Number of trials before stopping.
- r: Number of successes required.
- a: Shape parameter of the beta distribution.
- b: Shape parameter of the beta distribution.
- PMF value for the given parameters.
k = n - r
binomial_coefficient = sps.comb(r + k - 1, k)
beta_num = sps.beta(a + r, b + k)
beta_den = sps.beta(a, b)
pmf = binomial_coefficient * (beta_num / beta_den)
return pmf
The conventional parameterization of the beta-negative binomial uses
post_pred_bnb = betanegbinom_pmf(ns, k, a+k, b+n-k)
post_pred_bnb /= post_pred_bnb.sum()
But we can confirm that the result from the cube is consistent with the analytic PMF.
np.allclose(post_pred_n, post_pred_bnb)
In conclusion, the all-knowing cube of probability contains the past (the prior distributions), the present (the posterior distributions), and the future (the posterior predictive distributions).
Think Bayes, Second Edition
Copyright 2020 Allen B. Downey
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)