Quiz 2#
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This quiz is based on Chapters 4 and 5 of Think Complexity, 2nd edition.
Copyright 2021 Allen Downey, MIT License
from os.path import basename, exists
def download(url):
filename = basename(url)
if not exists(filename):
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
local, _ = urlretrieve(url, filename)
print('Downloaded ' + local)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from utils import decorate
Question 1#
Let’s see if we can find a graph model that does a better job matching the clustering, path length, and degree distribution of online social networks.
Here’s the Facebook data from Chapter 4 again.
def read_graph(filename):
G = nx.Graph()
array = np.loadtxt(filename, dtype=int)
return G
fb = read_graph('facebook_combined.txt.gz')
Here are the number of nodes, n
, the number of edges, m
, and the average degree, k
n = len(fb)
m = len(fb.edges())
k = int(round(2*m/n))
n, m, k
(4039, 88234, 44)
The average clustering coefficient is about 0.6
from networkx.algorithms.approximation import average_clustering
C = average_clustering(fb)
The average path length is short.
def random_path_lengths(G, nodes=None, trials=1000):
"""Choose random pairs of nodes and compute the path length between them.
G: Graph
nodes: list of nodes to choose from
trials: number of pairs to choose
returns: list of path lengths
if nodes is None:
nodes = G.nodes()
nodes = list(nodes)
pairs = np.random.choice(nodes, (trials, 2))
lengths = [nx.shortest_path_length(G, *pair)
for pair in pairs]
return lengths
def estimate_path_length(G, nodes=None, trials=1000):
return np.mean(random_path_lengths(G, nodes, trials))
L = estimate_path_length(fb)
And the standard deviation of degree is high.
def degrees(G):
"""List of degrees for nodes in `G`.
G: Graph object
returns: list of int
return [G.degree(u) for u in G]
np.mean(degrees(fb)), np.std(degrees(fb))
(43.69101262688784, 52.41411556737521)
FOF model#
I propose a new graph model called FOF for “friends of friends”.
It starts with a complete graph with k+1
nodes, so initially all nodes have degree k
Then we generate the remaining nodes like this:
Create a new node we’ll call the source.
Select a random target uniformly from existing nodes.
Iterate through the friends of the target. For each one, with probability
, form a triangle that includes the source, friend, and a random friend of the friend.Finally, connect the source and target.
Fill in the following function to implement this process.
You can use
, provided below.To create the complete graph, I used
.I found it helpful to write a separate function to generate triangles.
def fof_graph(n, k, p=0.25):
"""Make a FOF graph.
n: number of nodes
k: average degree
p: probability of adding a triangle
returns: nx.Graph
def flip(p):
return np.random.random() < p
# Solution
def fof_graph(n, k, p=0.25):
"""Make a FOF graph.
n: number of nodes
k: average degree
p: probability of adding a triangle
returns: nx.Graph
# start with a completely connected core
G = nx.complete_graph(k+1)
for source in range(len(G), n):
# choose a random node
target = np.random.choice(list(G.nodes))
# enumerate neighbors of target and add triangles
friends = list(G.neighbors(target))
for friend in friends:
if flip(p):
triangle(G, source, friend)
# connect source and target
G.add_edge(source, target)
return G
# Solution
def triangle(G, source, friend):
"""Chooses a random neighbor of `friend` and makes a triangle.
Triangle connects `source`, `friend`, and a random neighbor of `friend`.
fof = set(G[friend])
if source in G:
fof -= set(G[source])
if fof:
w = np.random.choice(list(fof))
G.add_edge(source, w)
G.add_edge(source, friend)
Use your function to make a FOF graph with the same number of nodes as the Facebook data, and approximately the same number of edges.
You might have to adjust p
to get the number of edges right.
# Solution
fof = fof_graph(n, k, p=0.25)
len(fof), len(fof.edges())
(4039, 94028)
You can run the next few cells to see how well the result matches the Facebook data (but it’s not necessary for the quiz).
Here’s the average clustering.
C, average_clustering(fof)
(0.618, 0.22)
And the path length.
L, estimate_path_length(fof)
(3.706, 2.89)
And the degree distribution.
import empiricaldist
except ImportError:
!pip install empiricaldist
from empiricaldist import Cdf
cdf_fb = Cdf.from_seq(degrees(fb), name='Facebook')
cdf_fof = Cdf.from_seq(degrees(fof), name='FOF')
Here’s the CDF on a log-x scale.
title='CDF on log-x scale')
And the complementary CDF on a log-log scale.
(1 - cdf_fb).plot()
(1 - cdf_fof).plot()
title='Complementary CDF on log-log scale')
Question 2#
Here’s the code from Chapter 5 that makes a 1-D cellular automaton.
class Cell1D:
"""Represents a 1-D a cellular automaton"""
def __init__(self, rule, n, m=None):
"""Initializes the CA.
rule: integer
n: number of rows
m: number of columns
table: rule dictionary that maps from triple to next state.
array: the numpy array that contains the data.
next: the index of the next empty row.
self.table = make_table(rule)
self.n = n
self.m = 2*n + 1 if m is None else m
self.array = np.zeros((n, self.m), dtype=np.int8)
self.next = 0
def start_single(self):
"""Starts with one cell in the middle of the top row."""
self.array[0, self.m//2] = 1
self.next += 1
def start_random(self):
"""Start with random values in the top row."""
self.array[0] = np.random.randint(2, size=self.m)
self.next += 1
def loop(self, steps=1):
"""Executes the given number of time steps."""
for i in range(steps):
def step(self):
"""Executes one time step by computing the next row of the array."""
a = self.array
i = self.next
window = [4, 2, 1]
c = np.correlate(a[i-1], window, mode='same')
a[i] = self.table[c]
self.next += 1
def draw(self, start=0, end=None):
"""Draws the CA using pyplot.imshow.
start: index of the first column to be shown
end: index of the last column to be shown
a = self.array[:, start:end]
plt.imshow(a, cmap='Purples', alpha=0.7)
# turn off axis tick marks
def make_table(rule):
"""Make the table for a given CA rule.
rule: int 0-255
returns: array of 8 0s and 1s
rule = np.array([rule], dtype=np.uint8)
table = np.unpackbits(rule)[::-1]
return table
rule = 30
n = 100
ca = Cell1D(rule, n)
Make a class called Cell1D5N
that implements a 1-D CA with a 5 cell neigborhood.
You can either modify the code above, or add new code below.
To make the table, you don’t have to decode a rule number; instead, generate a random array of 1
s and 0
s like this:
np.random.choice([0, 1], size=size, p=[1-p, p])
The parameter p
controls the proportion of 1
s. Your __init__
method should take p
as a parameter instead of rule
# Solution
class Cell1D5N:
"""Represents a 1-D a cellular automaton"""
def __init__(self, p, n, m=None, seed=None):
"""Initializes the CA.
rule: integer
n: number of rows
m: number of columns
table: rule dictionary that maps from triple to next state.
array: the numpy array that contains the data.
next: the index of the next empty row.
if seed:
self.table = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=32, p=[1-p, p])
self.n = n
self.m = 2*n + 1 if m is None else m
self.array = np.zeros((n, self.m), dtype=np.int8)
self.next = 0
def start_single(self):
"""Starts with one cell in the middle of the top row."""
self.array[0, self.m//2] = 1
self.next += 1
def start_random(self):
"""Start with random values in the top row."""
self.array[0] = np.random.randint(2, size=self.m)
self.next += 1
def loop(self, steps=1):
"""Executes the given number of time steps."""
for i in range(steps):
def step(self):
"""Executes one time step by computing the next row of the array."""
a = self.array
i = self.next
window = [16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
c = np.correlate(a[i-1], window, mode='same')
a[i] = self.table[c]
self.next += 1
def draw(self, start=0, end=None):
"""Draws the CA using pyplot.imshow.
start: index of the first column to be shown
end: index of the last column to be shown
a = self.array[:, start:end]
plt.imshow(a, cmap='Purples', alpha=0.7)
# turn off axis tick marks
Use the following code to test your implementation.
p = 0.5
n = 100
ca = Cell1D5N(p, n)