Think Python, 3rd edition#

Think Python is an introduction to Python for people who have never programmed before – or for people who have tried and had a hard time.

Here is the landing page for the book at Green Tea Press.

For the third edition, the biggest changes are:

  • The book is now entirely in Jupyter notebooks, so you can read the text, run the code, and work on the exercises, all in one place. Using the links below, you can run the notebooks on Colab, so you don’t have to install anything to get started.

  • The text is substantially revised and a few chapters have been reordered. There are more exercises now, and I think a lot of them are better.

  • At the end of every chapter, there are suggestions for using tools like ChatGPT and Colab AI to learn more and to get help with the exercises.

The book is scheduled to be published by O’Reilly Media in June 2024, so it is a work in progress.

You can read the early release at O’Reilly Media

You can preorder the third edition on Amazon

The notebooks#

Chapter 1: Programming as a way of thinking#

Chapter 2: Variables and Statements#

Chapter 3: Functions#

Chapter 4: Functions and Interfaces#

Chapter 5: Conditionals and Recursion#

Chapter 6: Return Values#

Chapter 8: Strings and Regular Expressions#

Chapter 9: Lists#

Chapter 10: Dictionaries#

Chapter 11: Tuples#

Chapter 12: Text Analysis and Generation#

Chapter 13: Files and Databases#

Chapter 14: Classes and Functions#

Chapter 15: Classes and Methods#

Chapter 16: Classes and Objects#

Chapter 17: Inheritance#

Chapter 18: Python Extras#

Chapter 19: Final Thoughts#

Resources for teachers#

If you are teaching with this book, here are some resources you might find useful.

  • You can download notebooks with solutions [COMING SOON]

  • Quizzes for each chapter, and a summative quiz for the whole book, are available [COMING SOON]

  • Teaching and Learning with Jupyter is an online book with suggestions for using Jupyter effectively in the classroom. You can read the book here.

  • One of the best ways to use notebooks in the classroom is live coding, where an instructor writes code and students follow along in their own notebooks. To learn about live coding – and a lot of other great advice about teaching programming – I recommend the teacher training provided by The Carpentries, which you can read here.